Apr 20, 2023
My Journey from Paper Logbooks to Creating Octologs
A diver's quest to solve the logbook frustrations we all share
Like many of you, I've spent countless surface intervals wrestling with soggy paper logbooks. After 15 years of diving, I've filled pages with memories, but I've also lost some along the way. Torn pages, faded ink, and that sinking feeling when you realize your logbook got left in the car – we've all been there.
The more I dove, the more questions kept nagging at me: How was my air consumption trending? Where were all those amazing dive buddies I'd met? And why was it so hard to find that one spectacular dive site from last summer? My paper logbook held these answers somewhere, buried in pages of handwritten notes.
What really got me thinking was missing out on staying connected with dive buddies. You know those incredible people you meet on dive trips? We'd exchange contacts, but somehow the connection to our shared underwater experiences would fade away, just like the ink in our logbooks.
A Simple Idea
That's when I started sketching out ideas for Octologs. Not because I thought I could create the perfect app, but because I believed there had to be a better way for all of us to log our dives. Something simple yet meaningful, that would help us:
Record our dives (even without internet)
Keep our dive buddy connections alive
Save our underwater photos right with our logs
Learning and Growing
This is just the beginning of the journey, and I have so much to learn from fellow divers like you. I'm excited to keep building features that actually help divers, such as:
Tools to understand our diving progress
Ways to connect with dive buddies worldwide
Better insights into our diving habits
I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences. What frustrates you about logging dives? What would make your diving life easier? Your input will help shape Octologs into something truly useful for our diving community.
Feel free to try out what I've built so far – there's a 14-day trial to test everything out. No pressure, just honest feedback appreciated.
Want to share your logbook stories or ideas? Drop me a line at info@octologs.com. I personally read and respond to every message.
Keep diving safely! 🤿