Aug 8, 2024
Deep Diving Adventure at Scoglio Remaiolo: A Perfect Season Finale
Exploring the depths of Elba's underwater paradise
As I descended into the crystal-clear waters of Scoglio Remaiolo, I couldn't help but smile behind my regulator. This dive spot off Elba Island, Italy, had been on my bucket list for years, and what better way to end my 2024 diving season?
The conditions were perfect that day - despite the cloudy sky above, the visibility underwater was exceptional. At 19°C, the water was refreshingly cool compared to the warm 30°C air temperature I'd left behind on the surface. I'd logged all these details in my Octologs app before taking the plunge, knowing how valuable this information would be for fellow divers planning their visits.
As I reached 45 meters (yes, this time the guide led us very deep 😬), the true magic of Scoglio Remaiolo revealed itself. The rock formation, known locally as "Rock of Remailo," loomed before me, its walls adorned with vibrant red gorgonians and yellow sponges that seemed to glow in my torch beam. I carefully monitored my air consumption through my dive computer - the 210 bar I started with would need to last me through this deep exploration.
The highlight of my 44-minute bottom time was undoubtedly the marine life. Large snappers moved in schools around the rock formations, their silver scales catching what little sunlight penetrated this depth. In the crevices, I spotted several impressive lobsters, their antennae waving in the gentle current. Each sighting went straight into my mental log, ready to be recorded in Octologs post-dive.
What makes Scoglio Remaiolo truly special is its versatility. While I chose to explore the deeper section at 45 meters, the site offers diving opportunities from 10 meters downward. However, I'd recommend this spot primarily to advanced divers, especially if you're planning to explore the deeper regions as I did. The depth and occasional currents demand solid buoyancy control and experience.
Though I didn't spot the elusive sunfish that sometimes visits these waters, the abundance of other marine life more than made up for it. Curious groupers watched from their rocky homes. Thanks to the excellent visibility, I could truly appreciate the scale of this underwater metropolis.
A nice video of Scoglio Remaiolo by Alessandro Pieri
As I began my ascent, carefully following my dive computer's guidance, I reflected on what a perfect dive this had been. Every year, I try to end my diving season with something special, and Scoglio Remaiolo definitely delivered. The combination of deep blue waters, rich marine life, and excellent conditions made this one of my most memorable dives of 2024.

Dive Stats Quick Reference:
Maximum Depth: 45m
Bottom Time: 44min
Initial Air Pressure: 210 bar
Water Temperature: 19°C
Air Temperature: 30°C
Visibility: Excellent
Difficulty Level: Advanced
Pro Tip: If you're planning to dive Scoglio Remaiolo, I'd recommend starting early in the morning when the sun is behind you, offering the best lighting for photographing the gorgonians. Don't forget to log your dive details and photos in Octologs to help fellow divers plan their adventures!